Friday, April 22, 2011

What information do you have for us about the future of the listening group?

Question: What information do you have for us about the future of the listening group?

Answer: Life moves and changes constantly.  As you grow individually, so too your group grows.  There may be a feeling of loss as you and your group have developed a level of intimacy in your little group. 

 Opening up to new people will mean an adjustment for all of you.  We suggest you take time to honor what was, to express and feel the gratitude before you jump too fast into a new level of growth.

 It will take time to adjust to new energy and new people.  This is part of growth and part of life.  Life moves and changes constantly. 

 You may find that some people will adjust faster or slower than others.  You may find the group splits into smaller, more intimate groups.

[Then, it stopped and I fell asleep.  I tried to listen to what others got, but couldn't stay awake so dropped off and went to bed.]

About this blog: “Why are we here?”

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