Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tonight's message: a wake-up call and a reminder

We did healing clouds of Love for (xxx) and the folks in the plane that went down today.  I didn’t get anything particular information for (xxx) – just that they could use the cloud of love that we created and that they were wrapped and protected by it.  It is available for them and they can take as much as they need or want from it as they need it. 

Question:  Is there any message for me tonight?

We are here with you always and forever and ever.

The plane incident is a shakeup — a reminder that there are unstable forces at work.

All the souls on the plane are safe and being cared for.  They agreed to participate in this event as a wake-up call and a way to bring to light some weaknesses in your structure that need attention.

When sudden tragedy happens, people are abruptly awakened from their “sleep” and can no longer pretend that things are OK.  The inertia is disrupted and many people’s attention is directed toward helping others.  It is a reminder also to pay attention to your own affairs and relationships — to let people know you love them, a reminder that physical life is tenuous and temporary, and to work on forgiveness and blessing — and letting go of small petty thoughts that impede the flow of love.

There will, of course, be blame and angst.  There should be an underlying knowledge that is stronger than one incident or one crash — or a million incidents or a million crashes.

All is well — truly.

As older souls your job is to remember that and keep sending and holding love for yourself and expanding that to share with anyone who needs or wants it.

One fun way to raise the energy vibrations: 
The Happy song – Pharrell Williams, official music video:
24 hours of Happy:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How can we best use the current nexus energy to bring in what we want most in our life?

We are here with you tonight and always.

There are many spirits here with you tonight.  This is an exciting time in your world as major shifts in attitudes are happening all over your world.
Many, many people are opening their hearts and their minds to reach higher awareness of all that they can be. They are becoming more aware of the Family of Man – how much you are all connected together and how much you share in common with so many others who just a few years ago would have been “strangers” or even “enemies.”

The attention to the World Cup is one outward manifestation of this shift in attitudes.

Your collective consciousness is becoming much more open to spiritual ideas that have been only held by older souls.  Those ideas are infiltrating the common culture very quickly and you see that in a new and growing openness to ideas in many religions that was not there before. 

As this opening happens, people are opening their heart and when that happens, they become magnets for abundance and prosperity.

As you do your own visioning, you can use those images to draw to you that which will make your life easier and make the lives of others you touch easier.
As this process happens, it sends out ripples on the “pond of life” and more people are touched and affected in a positive way, which raises the overall vibration and the cycle continues

We are with you at all times, with much love.

~ Your entity ~