Friday, June 24, 2011

What can you tell me about themes from past lives?

[Comments: When we started the healing session tonight, I immediately started doing an “energy dance” with my hands.  This is something that first started after I returned from Egypt in 1995.  It feels like the conductor in the movie Fantasia – using the color, light and energy to “conduct” an energy symphony.  Sometimes, I can hear music or feel like I actually become the music or the light or the colors of the energy.  When we were in Egypt, several of us could actually hear music in our ears in one of the temples, though there was no physical music present according to the rest of the group.  The energy dance comes spontaneously, sometimes when I’m doing shamanic journeys and more recently, when we did the monthly full moon fire circles in Washington.  

Anyway, I used that energy to dance, call in the group’s energy and then to wrap the group energy all around those in the healing circle, over and over and over until time was called on that part.

As we started into the listening, I first felt that the dancing energy was a form of healing from past lives.] 

Question: What can you tell me about themes from past lives?

We are here with you and you have felt our energy strongly tonight through your body and your movement.

You have used energy to heal many, many people including yourself.  You have been a dancer in Egypt as you remembered when you were there.

You used energy dances as a Native American shaman to heal the members of your tribe.

You have used energy in your monk lifetimes to draw in the healing presence for yourself and others.

You have been a teacher and a student of friends you know in this lifetime in past lives and blended your energies together in different ways to teach and to heal.

You have been in Switzerland and used your voice to call in Spirit energies for healing. 

You have been in temples and churches and other similar places to call in great energy through dance and physical movement. 

You have lived in jungles and deserts and mountains and plains – all over the world.  Where ever you were and what ever you were doing, you have used energy to help you in your life for most of your lifetimes.  

Your very early lives were about learning to be present and cope with the life.  You have had good parents and bad parents, no parents and foster parents, and many other family configurations.  In all of them, you were able to find ways to connect with All That Is.  It is what Priests do, even before you had any idea what Priest-ness was about. 

In most recent lifetimes, you have honed this natural ability so that you can call on it as needed or when asked to help someone.

When asked – as you know now – you immediately go into “healing mode” and connect with All That Is to pull in that healing energy.

As you move toward the end of your physical lifetimes, you will be using the entire entity as well to help support your healing work.  Your own healing ability is greatly magnified [by that entity connection] and you feel the surge even though it feels very gentle and very easy for you to do.


Rest – and allow it to heal you as well. 

[Comments: At that point, I laid down and let the energy wash over me, then used it to wash over each person in the circle several times, then moved to my family, close friends, etc. to give them an energy wash.  

As I mentioned on the call, for the Solstice, I attended a very special ceremony.  The leader is Native American and leads a drumming circle that I have attended several times.  For the Solstice, she brought Tibet bowls – about 75 of them in great variety - metal, crystal, alchemy.  She played them for us and talked about the bowls, how they are made, the different types, etc.  Then, she had each of us sit in front of a huge crystal bowl while she started it playing so that we each got an individual energy bath from it.  Afterward, she said the sound was different for each person because the bowl magnifies our own energy and plays our own unique “sound.”  There were about 50 people there so it took a while and we got to listen to each one.  After that, she let each of us choose a bowl and we got to play them as we formed a healing circle then played the bowls as each person asked for healing.  I had never played a Tibet bowl before or even touched one.  The small one that chose me had a very beautiful sound even though it was only about the size of my hand.  I was astounded at how beautiful the sound was when I struck it.  I’m sure that Solstice ceremonial energy was still with me for our listening practice.]

I'm very grateful to all of you for being part of this group. An extra big <<< THANK YOU >>> to our leader each each week. 


About this blog: “Why are we here?”

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What would be in my best interest to know right now?

[My comments" The energy felt very comfortable to me Thursday evening and a bit different than I have experienced before.  I was able to write comfortably and easily without the pressure or intensity that I sometimes feel.]

My question: What would be in my best interest to know right now?

Answer: We are here with you tonight.  We are a collective of Entity 6 to be with you tonight consciously.

You have connected with us before though not as aware of it as we are reaching you now.  You have felt our presence occasionally and yes, when you feel us, we are with you.

The Michael energy is also here - blended and mixed together with our energy so that you are receiving a unified message.

 We are here to support you and to teach you how to speak for us.  As you have been told, we have much to say and want a strong & honest vehicle through which to speak.

 Over the next weeks and months, you will be feeling our presence more and more as we work together to refine the messages and the skills to further develop our messages.

 Your life is very full and very busy.  That will continue though it will change in some ways gradually.  You will not feel stressed or overloaded and will eventually see the changes happening.

 You still have much to do and much to say that has been waiting a long for the right opportunity and receptiveness of those you will be reaching with the messages.

 A great deal of growth and development is needed before your audience is ready to hear.  This is a function of the evolutionary process.  It seems slow and it is.  People / souls / fragments need the time to work through their own issues and individual development before they are ready for the next step.

 Even after the messages have been delivered, it can take quite a while before people are really ready to hear.

 You already know this.  We are just reminding you and those who will see this, that it is the way things are.

 No matter how fast or how slow you may think it should be things happen just as they should happen.  The old saying, “There are no accidents” is still true and will continue to be true.

 When you feel the little “twitches,” it is just a reminder to connect and pay attention to what is happening around you.  It may be a warning or it may be simply a way to get your attention for some other reason.  You have notices these recently and wondered.  Now, you know what that is about.

 As your physical life changes over the next weeks and months, you will develop other habits to remind you to connect.  We will leave you with that and allow you to discover them – like opening a new present.  Have fun with it and enjoy the process of moving and upgrading and redecorating as a fun-filled adventure.
 All is well and you are greatly supported in all areas of your life.

 We leave you with this image:
 A beautiful garden with a pathway surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants.  Along the path are benches to stop & rest, alcoves to enjoy, grand vistas to enjoy, deep forests to enjoy, animals to be with you and little presents and fun surprises all along the path.  This is your life.

 As you come to each present, take time to relish and enjoy the journey.
Kathryn called time then.  I could have kept going easily for a while I think since the energy was flowing at a very nice comfortable pace.

[My comments about tonight’s session: I could see the little packages they described as wrapped in gold foil with beautiful ribbons and they seemed to be ‘lighting up’ as I got near to them.

 I’ve gotten the garden image off and on for more than 20 years, though not for a while.  It’s always a little bit different when it comes and always not when I expected it to come.  So, that must be a part of what they were showing me to recognize that I’ve connected this way with my entity’s energy before unconsciously in the past.

 In our previous listening practices, I never before consciously connected with the entity energy that I was aware of, so this was a special delight on this evening.  It was interesting the way that energy came mixed with the Michael energy also.  I can’t remember a past time when they specifically used the word “Michael” in messages to me either, so that was also different.

 When I did my platform reading this year, they mentioned that Entity 6 wanted to speak through me more in this new year and that will happen more after I move.  By the way, we opened escrow this week.  They referenced that move as part of what is happening “over the next weeks and months.”

 About the “twitches” they mentioned: I have felt off and on, sort of a muscle twitch in my left back shoulder blade area.  I had been told years ago that it came originally from a past life where I was stabbed in the back and I have used it to pick up negative energy around me.  Lately, I’ve noticed it twitching at odd times when it didn’t seem that there was negative energy around, so that was an interesting comment.   A very good session all around :) ]

[Comments: Saturday morning:
   I had some thoughts/feelings about the garden this morning as I was waking up.  It seems to be the “garden of life” or “garden of Eden” - the starting place of all life.  Each time I see it, it looks different because I’m different and because I see things differently as time goes on.

 I also felt like the “presents” are the high points in our life, our adventures, our trials and tribulations, our joys, our sadness, etc.  We can see them all as beautiful and as “presents” if we choose.]

About this blog: “Why are we here?”

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Waluva is a name that came to me one night as I was falling asleep. When I asked what it meant,I was told that it meant "bright light" so I decided to use it for this blog.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What kind of agreement do we have together and how are we serving each other in this work?

Question: What kind of agreement do we have together and how are we serving each other in this work?

Answer: You are called together to help each other deepen and expand your connection to All That Is and to each other.   

You have worked together in circles in other times and other places so you feel comfortable with each other.

Your ability to listen, to hear, to see, to feel together is deepening each week.
This practice helps to hold you steady all during the week as “life” surrounds and distracts you.  The practice helps you to remember who you are and why you came to this place in this time space.  You are here to help keep the energy connected and calm during times of great change and upheaval.

It is no accident that you were drawn together in this way.  As you know, you have many connections in your life that are activated as they are necessary. 

You will be together for a time and will eventually move on to other connections when the time is right.

For now, this is a very peaceful space where you can just be yourself without any outside pressure – something that each of you yearns for in your essence.
Signing up for this group has provided the structure for you to get the peaceful place when “life” might easily keep you constantly busy with other things.
All is unfolding perfectly.

The group and your work each is the goal.  Have no doubt that you are doing exactly what you need to do and you are all benefiting from this peaceful interlude in your busy lives.

We are with you at all times and you can call on us any time to help keep you steady if you feel the need.

Remembering to take time for yourself is very important to those who are healers and helpers for others.  Without a regular group commitment to each other for this group, you could easily find yourselves pulled constantly and neglect the quiet time that you each need to help you recharge and refresh your own energy.
We encourage you to each be fully present during the weekly calls and try to feel the quiet during times of stress – if only for a few moments.  It will be like a breath of fresh air and over time, you will notice how much better you cope with the day-to-day stresses of life that is constantly changing all around you. ---
About this blog: “Why are we here?”

Friday, June 3, 2011

How do we maintain our inner connection to what’s important when the outer physical world is shifting?

Question: How do we maintain our inner connection to what’s important when the outer physical world is shifting?

Answer: Do what you are doing tonight.  Consciously and regularly connect to Spirit.  Do it daily if possible — maybe twice or more a day if you feel unsettled.

Connecting as you are in your little group is even more powerful because you bring in much more energy as a group.

The group magnifies and amplifies your own connection and helps to open new pathways.

The more you practice this, the better you get.  As you are able to be calm when others are unsettled, you provide an example for them.

You can share what you are leaning with others who are interested so that they too may make their own connection to Spirit and help themselves.  They, then, will tell others and the circles continue to ripple and expand like dropping a stone into a clear pond of water.  [I could “see” the clear pond, then the ripples as I got those words.]

You all have so very much power that you are barely tapping into as yet.
Use your balanced place to help lighten up the world around you with love and laughter as much as you can.

Do what you can, where you can.  [I’ve gotten this phrase many times over the past 20 years.] 

Be gentle with yourselves and gentle with others as much as you can.  Everyone who is unsettled will need all the extra support that you can give.

When things get lost, turn it into a game of “hide and seek” instead of getting angry or blaming yourself or blaming others.  Try to have fun with calling your lost items back to you.

Imagine your many parallels and possible paths coalescing into the best possible options for you and others.

Call on your spirit guides and your power animals to assist you during these times of change.  Allow them to share their power with you.  

Consciously, feel gratitude for all that supports you in the physical world.  Bless everyone and everything all around you every day.

Bless the sun.  Bless the air.  Bless the ground and the Earth.  Bless the warmth.  Bless the wind. Bless the birds and the trees and the animals and the oceans and the rivers.

Consciously, take time to marvel at the magnificent systems and structures you have built on your planet.  And, know that all you have built is temporary.  It will all change and evolve.  See it as just what it is today and let it become what it will become in the future. 

Know in your heart and in your soul that you are eternal.  Everything else is temporary and an illusion created to play the game of the physical universe.
In a few years, many of what you think is “permanent” will be gone and replaced by something much different and much better.

See your surroundings from that perspective and bless them for what they are and for all that they have given you.  Then, release them to something else that has not yet been created. 

Remember, no matter what the outer world looks like, all is well, always.  You are so much more than the physical body and presence in the physical world.  The Physical Plane is like a giant movie set — that can be dismantled, moved, changed, torn down, painted, re-painted, fixed up or completely re-created as the next script requires.

See it from a place of fun and laughter and the sheer joy of creating and everything will shift in your own perspective.

[About that point, time was called.  I was writing as fast as I could the whole time and it probably could have written much more.  My hand was getting tired so I just stopped.  This went almost 3 pages handwritten, probably the longest I’ve gotten yet.]

After that as people were sharing their experience I got a title “Listening to Spirit” — maybe a blog, a book and/or a collection of some type with the answers that come to us from the group that would be more public than just our little group.  Something to ponder.  
About this blog: “Why are we here?”